HCoop, Inc. Board of Directors


Election results

The eighteenth board election ended April 11, 2022. Clinton Ebadi and Robin Templeton were elected to a two-year term, and Stephen Michel was elected to a one-year term.


The logs of recent meetings are available at: https://hcoop.net/board/meetings

Board meetings are normally held on IRC in channel #hcoop on Libera Chat. They are open to the public and announced in advance to the membership.

Past information

Election results

The seventeenth board election ended April 10, 2021. Kenneth Pronovici and Kevin Everets were re-elected to a two-year term, and Jesse Shumway was re-elected to a one-year term.

An emergency board meeting to elect a new president was held on September 12, 2021. Kenneth Pronovici resigned from the board via email on 2021-08-06. In the board meeting on September 12 the board elected Kevin Everets as president.

Election results

The sixteenth board election ended April 11, 2020 with a run-off that ended April 17, 2020. Björn Lindström and Clinton Ebadi were re-elected to a two-year term, and Jesse Shumway was elected to a one-year term.

Election results

The fifteenth board election ended April 11, 2019. Kevin Everets and Kenneth Pronovici were elected to two-year terms, and Björn Lindström was elected to a one-year term.

Election results

The fourteenth board election ended April 11, 2018 with a run-off that ended April 21, 2018. Davor Ocelic was elected to a two-year term, Clinton Ebadi was re-elected to a two-year term, and Stephen Michel was elected to a one-year term.

Election results

The thirteenth board election ended April 10, 2017. Kevin Everets and Lenore Ramm were elected to two-year terms, and Robin Templeton was re-elected to a one-year term.

Election results

The twelfth board election ended April 10, 2016. Clinton Ebadi and Jack Hill were re-elected to two-year terms, and Daniil Frumin was elected to a one-year term.

Election results

The eleventh board election ended April 10, 2015. Matt Carberry and Robin Templeton were re-elected to two-year terms, and Jack Hill was elected to a one-year term.

Election results

The tenth board election ended April 10, 2014. Clinton Ebadi was re-elected to a two-year term, Nathan Kennedy was elected to a two-year term, and Matt Carberry was elected to a one-year term.

Election results

The ninth board election ended April 10, 2013. BT Templeton and Steve Killen were both re-elected to two-year terms, and Shaun Empie was elected to a one-year term.

Election results

The eighth board election ended April 10, 2012, with a run-off vote ending on April 27, 2012. Clinton Ebadi was re-elected to a two year term, Lauren McNees was elected to a two-year term, and Steve Killen was elected to a one-year term.

Election results

The seventh board election ended April 10, 2011. Richard Darst was re-elected to a two-year term, BT Templeton was elected to a two-year term, and Ryan Mikulovsky was elected to a one-year term.

Election results

The sixth board election ended April 10, 2010. Clinton Ebadi and Adam Chlipala were each re-elected to a two-year term and Richard Darst was elected to a one-year term.

Election results

The fifth board election ended April 10, 2009. Davor Ocelic was re-elected to a two-year term, Frank Bynum was elected to a two-year term, and Clinton Ebadi was elected to a one-year term.

Election results

The fourth board election ended April 12, 2008. Adam Chlipala was re-elected to a two-year term, Nathan Kennedy re-elected to a two-year term, Davor Ocelic re-elected to a one-year term, and Justin Leitgeb and Björn Lindström each were elected to one-year terms under the new bylaws.

Election results

The third board election ended April 14, 2007. All previous boardmembers were again re-elected.

Election results

The second board election ended April 12, 2006. All previous boardmembers were re-elected.

Past Board meetings

Meeting 0 (Apr 16 2005)

Officers appointed, new meeting set.

Meeting 1 (Apr 17 2005)

Bank account, bylaws, contracts, 501(c)(12)

Meeting 2 (May 7 2005)

Discussion of progress to date and priorities for future action. Decision to start collecting on negative balances.

Meeting 3 (Jun 24 2006)

New system administrators and hardware setup.

Meeting 4 (Jul 1 2006)

Hardware set-up determined. Decided to initiate vendor selection process.

Meeting 5 (Sep 9 2006)

Financial status, donations, fees, and migration planning.

Meeting 6 (Sep 30 2006)

More migration planning

Meeting 7 (Apr 15 2007)

Officers appointed, final migration issues.

Meeting 8 (Oct 21 2007)

Last action items for migration and unfreezing new membership applications.

Meeting 9 (Dec 8 2007)

At a special meeting of the board in #hcoop, the board unanimously determined to remove five members for persistent nonpayment of dues. Final arrangements for reopening membership to new applicants were also discussed.

Meeting 10 (April 19 2008)

Meeting 11 (October 12, 2008)


The best way to quickly get in touch with the board is by email to board@hcoop.net. This mail will be received by all current directors.

Written correspondence should be addressed to our secretary at:

HCoop Inc.
c/o Robin Templeton
8811 Oxford Ct
Chapel Hill, NC 27516

Our registered agent for service of process and other legal matters is the following:

HCoop Inc.
c/o InCorp Services, Inc.
7208 Red Top Road
Hummelstown PA 17036

If sending mail to this registered agent address, please send a copy to the secretary or by email. In general do not use this address unless absolutely necessary.


Legal stuff

HCoop, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. HCoop has been determined by the IRS to be a federally tax-exempt cooperative pursuant to Section 501(c)(12) of the Internal Revenue Code.

This file found at: /afs/hcoop.net/user/h/hc/hcoop/public_html/board/index.html