14:05:11 #startmeeting 14:05:11 Meeting started Sat Nov 21 14:05:11 2020 UTC. The chair is pronovic. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:05:11 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 14:05:17 #topic attendance 14:05:24 if you are an hcoop member and present please write "#info $hcoop_username" 14:05:29 #info pronovic 14:05:30 #info keverets 14:05:34 #info clinton 14:05:46 #info bkhl 14:05:58 #topic agenda 14:06:06 The agenda is found here: https://wiki.hcoop.net/IrcMeetings/20201121 14:06:14 #info https://wiki.hcoop.net/IrcMeetings/20201121 14:06:27 #topic Approve the financial reserve policy recommended in August 14:06:45 For the first time in a long while, co-op has money available in excess of what is needed to pay expenses, and we want to make sure 14:06:51 adopt this policy today, after taking any addit 14:06:57 (Sorry, the formatting on that was terrible) 14:07:05 #info https://wiki.hcoop.net/ExpensesPolicy 14:07:11 #info https://wiki.hcoop.net/FinancialReservePolicy 14:07:17 #info https://wiki.hcoop.net/HcoopBudget 14:07:42 Is there any discussion before the board approves the recommended financial reserve policy? 14:08:04 There was not any discussion from members in hcoop-discuss, as far as I recall. I did not receive any private communication. 14:08:23 I think given that no one had any input on -discuss we've discussed it enough, and I'm in favor of adopting as written 14:08:59 I agree. Anyone want to give us a motion? 14:09:56 Or I can do it? I move that we approve the financial reserve policy recommended in August. 14:10:04 second 14:10:14 #vote Approve the financial reserve policy recommended in August 14:10:16 +1 14:10:24 #info +1 14:10:25 #info +1 14:10:32 #info +1 14:10:39 #info +1 14:11:01 #agreed the board approves the financial reserve policy recommended in August 14:11:12 #topic Formal board decision on the question of selling hcoop.org 14:11:19 Back in late October, we got a request to sell the hcoop.org domain. We do own 14:11:25 At the time, the board discussed this in email. Both Clinton and I thought the 14:11:31 information. But, it's now been a month 14:11:37 Is there agreement that we should not sell the domain? 14:11:43 Is there any agreement on whether (and how) we should reply to the request. 14:12:04 I did not respond to the person who inquired (can try to do so later today through gandi if we can do that due to being bogged down a lot recently, but I think we should hold onto the domain 14:12:42 I agree that we should hold onto the domain. I'm ambivalent about replying, since the request didn't seem all that legitimate. 14:13:00 considering we're a not-for-profit in addition to a network services provider and all, and have owned the domain forever 14:13:10 I don't think we are obliged to reply. 14:13:16 works for me 14:13:41 ok, I guess I'll just make it a formal vote, so we have a record of it 14:13:47 should we redirect it to the actual domain? 14:14:41 Back in October, I think we said that it would be worth eventually using the domain, but didn't set a timeline 14:14:42 probably, but that's more of a technical decision. we'll want letsencrypt support first (no reason to pay for the domain just to 301 to hcoop.net imo) 14:14:49 yes, true 14:14:59 We should if it's not too much bother. 14:15:29 I cna plan to as soon as we have LE support in domtool 14:16:02 ok, I move that we keep the hcoop.org domain, enable it to redirect to hcoop.net once letsencrypt support is available in domtool, and that we not reply to the original request 14:16:11 second 14:16:24 #vote keep the hcoop.org domain, enable it to redirect to hcoop.net once letsencrypt support is available in domtool, and not reply to the original request 14:16:30 #info +1 14:16:36 #info +1 14:16:42 #info +1 14:16:48 #info _+1 14:16:54 probably a few more months (should be getting back on track in general soon, have dealt with most of my health gunk except for removing a rotten tooth which is being done late dec depending on the pandemic) 14:17:00 I think that's fine. There's no particular rush. 14:17:15 #agreed keep hcoop.org and eventually use it 14:17:25 except for browsers defaulting to https everywhere 14:17:31 #topic Sales tax discussion 14:17:43 I'm following up on something that came up back in June, a question of whether 14:17:49 rationale on the official record, if there's 14:17:55 gonna have to solve this generally soonish thanks to the march of time 14:18:11 From what I've read, there are two kinds of sales-tax schemes: origin-based and 14:18:17 is "consuming" resources (such as network 14:18:23 members 14:18:29 we might be exempt from paying sales tax but it wasn't clear to me 14:19:00 For today, I either want to get agreement on the rationale above, or make a decision about what additional research/consultation is required 14:19:59 afaik we're in a jurisdiction where we don't have to charge (and definitely not doing enough business in any state to have to charge on behalf of members), but as far as paying sales tax on our hosting as DO as now started charging us, I don't know if it is worth checking into if we are exempt 14:20:38 Ah, I see. There's two questions then - whether we need to charge members sales tax, and whether we want to engage Digital Ocean about them charging the co-op sales tax. 14:21:23 We may not need a vote on this at all. 14:21:32 at our scale I don't think the few bucks per months sales tax is more than an annoyance, if we were even exempt (wasn't able to figure that out). never hurts really to pay a bit extra in taxes 14:21:45 can't get in trouble that way 14:22:07 What percentage are we talking about? 14:22:23 6 % I see 14:23:04 I would be ok with the status quo 14:24:00 I'm alright with it that I'm not personally going to start researching US tax law. 14:24:06 fine by me for now, if we can determine that we're exempt that would be nice but 6% right now isn't too bad 14:24:25 So let's just say if someone is keen enough to save us that money they can do the research and bring it up again? 14:24:31 sure. do we need a vote at all then? or is it enough that we've discussed this? 14:25:07 I think keeping the status quo is fine and doesn't need a vote, just keep paying our bills as-is since everything is within the budget we already set 14:25:12 bkhl: pretty sure we won't save money. If anything, we'd have to pass the sales tax on to the members (so we'd pay it anyway) and add accounting overhead 14:25:18 yeah 14:26:15 all right, seems like we can just move onto other business then 14:26:20 #topic other business 14:26:49 Any member of the co-op is welcome to bring up a topic here 14:27:03 none from me, other than that i am almost done dealing with getting the ol' body working normally again 14:27:16 What's the status of our off-site backup? Did we stop paying rsync.net? 14:27:40 we stopped paying them a while ago, we have no offsite backup right now 14:28:22 OK. Is there anything we want to do about that risk? 14:28:30 probably #1 priority behind finishing buster upgrades (just in time for bullseye to release...) 14:29:03 ok, so budget approval for whatever the proposal is at that time, then? Or does that fit into existing mechanisms? 14:29:15 I move that we update the member manual backups page to be accurate. :-) 14:29:21 thinking that we should set up restic backups and sync to backblaze b2 but have not found time to work on that 14:29:52 https://wiki.hcoop.net/MemberManual/Backups 14:30:28 true, that last line should probably just be removed 14:30:34 just need to axe the offsite section 14:30:54 or note that there's currently none, but there are plans to implement one soon(ish) 14:31:00 we do still make a daily backup of afs and a week's worth of dailies of postgres/mysql, onsite 14:31:25 that sounds like an easy task. who's going to take it? 14:31:37 I removed it already. 14:31:43 great 14:31:51 any other discussion on this topic? 14:31:58 none from me 14:32:33 that's it from me. just need to find energy to actually get offsite backups working again in a useful form 14:32:57 ok. hope you feel better. I had a summer like that a few years back. It will feel nice when you're back on your feet. 14:33:28 mostly back now. pretty amazing how a tiny dose of modern medicine can fix things like totally out of whack blood pressure 14:33:34 definitely! 14:33:48 if there's no other business, I'll end the meeting. any objections? 14:33:54 sounds good 14:34:00 Just one thing 14:34:06 sure 14:34:16 unknown_lamer: would you like us to do something to spread out any of the tasks you have mentioned? 14:34:40 Is it a question of mentoring someone into helping being more bother than doing it yourself? 14:35:02 on the sysadmin side day to day is pretty handled now 14:35:17 docelic has been dealing with almost all normal support requests 14:35:23 seems like the big effort stuff is in developing new resources, like backups or letsencrypt in domtool? 14:35:29 vs. day-to-day? 14:36:07 there's a task list on the wiki and i am willing to help get anyone up to speed 14:36:34 if you don't mind, let's put the link to that task list here in the minutes 14:36:45 and I'll publicize it when we publish the minutes to the members 14:36:51 but there are still things to be done to make it easier for folks to contribute. we got halfway to making domtool hacking accessible with smichel17[m] a couple of years ago, but stalled after that 14:37:28 I've been thinking of volunteering to join in on domtool a bit, but don't know how much I commit. 14:37:34 https://wiki.hcoop.net/HcoopVolunteerTasks could use a bit of dusting off but generally a good start 14:37:40 s/commit/can commit/ 14:37:46 #link https://wiki.hcoop.net/HcoopVolunteerTasks 14:38:03 perfect 14:38:09 I think as far as things anyone could do ... domtool actually giving useful error messages with invalid args is pretty big, and pretty easy 14:39:23 any other discussion on this? 14:39:29 or other topics? 14:39:35 that's it from me 14:41:01 Ok, thanks everyone for attending. It was a good discussion. Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend. 14:41:03 #endmeeting 14:41:33 definitely going to get a fire pit going tonight 14:41:33 hmm 14:41:52 it's 19 degrees here in Minnesota. way below firepit temperature for me. :) 14:42:00 IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: './hcoop/2020/hcoop.2020-11-21-14.05.log.txt' 14:42:06 blargh 14:42:12 booooo 14:42:18 bad bot 14:42:24 Here in Bangkok the only sign of winter is the bad air quality. 14:42:30 :) 14:42:45 it worked in the test 2 hours ago 14:43:09 tokens shouldn't have expired 14:43:27 after connecting to the screen session I can't touch anything in that directory either 14:43:33 it has been on my personal todo list for a while to set up a dir for any board member to run it, we need an acl group 14:43:46 keverets: run `tokens' ... probably expired 14:43:57 no tokens 14:44:08 Tokens held by the Cache Manager: 14:44:14 --End of list-- 14:44:37 any hints on how giving the bot permissions without killing it? 14:44:54 maybe try kinit && aklog in screen 14:45:01 bot might be in the same PAG 14:45:21 otherwise in the future, wrapping the bot in k5start -qtUf /etc/keytabs/user.daemon/$(whoami) 14:46:06 that seemed to be enough to get it to write a .txt out 14:47:20 this stuff burns me every time I try to do anything with hcoop 14:47:55 will add the k5start to my notes on starting the bot 14:47:57 generally wrapping long running processes in k5start works 14:48:45 we should sit down soon and get this set up with a general board members acl and storing things in ~hcoop, I have had an open task in my planner but any time it comes up I just end up moving it forward a month along with a bunch of other things 14:49:01 and vim magic means middle-click paste breaks my usual workflows (sigh) 14:50:04 console programs being clever about middle clicks is annoyin 14:50:06 g 14:50:27 #endmeeting 14:50:45 hmm... was hoping that would kick off the flow again, but might have been needed to be done by pronovic 14:51:12 i think it has to be done by the person who did #startmeeting 14:51:55 wish pronovic was more of a lurker :/ 14:54:28 maybe shoot him an email to hop back on and try #endmeeting? 14:54:39 pesky bot limitations 14:54:46 looks like meetbot has replay functionality which should work 14:54:48 will try that first