23:00:21 <keverets> #startmeeting 
23:00:25 <hcoop-meetbot> keverets: Meeting started at 2024-04-29T23:00+0000
23:00:35 <hcoop-meetbot> keverets: Current chairs: keverets
23:00:41 <hcoop-meetbot> keverets: Useful commands: #action #info #idea #link #topic #motion #vote #close #endmeeting
23:00:48 <hcoop-meetbot> keverets: See also: https://hcoop-meetbot.readthedocs.io/en/stable/
23:01:22 <keverets> #topic Roll Call
23:01:27 <keverets> #here keverets
23:01:30 <smichel17> #here smichel17
23:01:34 <robin> #here robin
23:02:17 <keverets> I sent a few messages via signal to rvbc, but no response. And unknown_lamer is not present, so assuming it will just be us
23:02:22 <keverets> #topic Agenda
23:02:26 <keverets> #info Elect officers
23:02:32 <keverets> any other agenda items?
23:03:17 <smichel17> I could give a brief financial update, and there's a number of members we should probably vote to freeze or kick.
23:03:29 <keverets> ok, we can add that
23:03:35 <keverets> #info financial update
23:03:42 <keverets> #info delinquent member vote
23:03:46 <keverets> any others?
23:04:40 <keverets> ok, can add any others after
23:04:47 <keverets> #topic Elect Officers
23:05:15 <keverets> my suggestion: smichel17 for president (most interest/ability in scheduling), robin for treasurer, and I go back to secretary
23:05:22 <keverets> but open to other suggestions
23:05:35 <keverets> also happy to stay on the sidelines if anyone wants to have 2 roles
23:05:43 <smichel17> I'm fine with president or treasurer
23:05:48 <keverets> and/or ? ;)
23:05:58 <keverets> robin: where's your interest?
23:06:04 <robin> i'd prefer not-treasurer although i could do it
23:06:20 <keverets> I'm still pretty certain I'm ineligible since I'm not in the US
23:06:23 <smichel17> I forget which, but there's two roles which are mutually exclusive for legal reasons
23:06:30 <robin> president and treasurer
23:06:52 <keverets> that makes sense. One is supposed to check the other
23:07:29 <robin> sorry, i misremembered, bylaws section 308: can't be both secretary and treasurer at once
23:07:35 <keverets> oh, interesting
23:07:54 <keverets> ok. so, pres+treasurer is still an option
23:07:59 <smichel17> I am not sure I'm up for the commitment of both
23:08:05 <keverets> no problem
23:08:20 <keverets> robin: prefer non-treasurer, but what would you prefer?
23:08:25 <smichel17> I don't mind helping with one if there's a particular part of treasurer duties you're averse to, robin
23:08:28 <keverets> president is an ooption
23:08:36 <smichel17> But just not responsibility at the end of the day
23:10:07 <robin> keverets, secretary > president > president+secretary
23:11:16 <keverets> ok. then my suggestion changes to: smichel17 as treasurer, robin as president, me as secretary (unless robin is ok to do both)
23:11:27 <smichel17> keverets: are you sure you're not eligible to be treasurer?
23:11:46 <keverets> smichel17: it's an assumption. Dealing with US banking from outside the US has been a hassle in the past
23:12:22 <keverets> I could give it a shot, but signatures, etc might even be a stumbling block
23:12:41 <smichel17> Also, I realized recently I've been a pretty mediocre treasurer. I was good at processing member payments in a timely manner, but missed the tasks: entering bills into the member portal system, and submitting a proposed budget in December
23:13:06 <keverets> member payments has the most direct impact on the membership (assuming bills get paid on time)
23:13:11 <smichel17> Yeah, bills are all set up to autopay
23:13:39 <keverets> smichel17: given preferences stated above, what do you suggest for roles?
23:14:04 <robin> smichel17, processing randomly-schedule requests rapidly :) it occurs to me that dealing with banks might be easier post-legal-name-change also, if we switch as unknown_lamer suggested
23:15:52 <smichel17> I'd be up to try either of these options:
23:15:58 <smichel17> 1. myself for president, keverets for treasurer, robin secretary
23:16:04 <robin> scheduled*
23:16:12 <smichel17> 2. robin president, myself treasurer, keverets secretary
23:17:05 <keverets> is there another, or selection between those 2?
23:17:28 <smichel17> I don't see another good option. I'd prefer not secretary.
23:17:32 <keverets> ok
23:17:43 <keverets> robin: between smichel17's 2 options, which do you prefer?
23:18:54 <robin> keverets, #1
23:19:37 <keverets> ok. Let's try that
23:19:45 <keverets> #nominate smichel17 president
23:19:46 <hcoop-meetbot> keverets: Unknown command: #nominate
23:20:14 <keverets> #info nominate smichel17 president
23:20:19 <smichel17> Let's try option 1, and if keverets has an issue filing the corporate renewal, then we switch to option 2
23:20:22 <keverets> smichel17: +1
23:20:25 <robin> sounds good
23:21:20 <keverets> not sure if it's necessary, but the usual flow is: #info nominate x for y; #info second x for y; #accepted x for y
23:21:40 <robin> #info second smichel17 for president
23:21:44 <smichel17> #accepted smichel17 for president
23:21:49 <keverets> eventually, #motion blah; #vote +1
23:22:07 <keverets> #info nominate robin for secretary
23:22:19 <smichel17> #info second robin for secretary
23:22:51 <smichel17> #accepted robin for secretary
23:22:55 <smichel17> #info nominate keverets for treasurer
23:23:04 <robin> #info second keverets for treasurer
23:23:14 <keverets> #accepted keverets for treasurer
23:23:34 <keverets> #motion smichel17 for president, robin for secretary, keverets for treasurer
23:23:35 <hcoop-meetbot> keverets: Voting is open
23:23:42 <smichel17> #vote +1
23:23:45 <robin> #vote +1
23:23:53 <keverets> hmm. Not sure meetbot caught those
23:23:56 <keverets> #vote +1
23:24:01 <smichel17> #vote +1
23:24:05 <robin> #vote +1
23:24:08 <keverets> #close 
23:24:09 <hcoop-meetbot> keverets: Motion accepted: 5 in favor to 0 opposed
23:24:13 <hcoop-meetbot> keverets: In favor: smichel17, robin, keverets, smichel17, robin
23:24:17 <hcoop-meetbot> keverets: Opposed:
23:24:37 <keverets> I guess it caught them
23:24:49 <keverets> on to the next
23:24:52 <robin> remember to vote early & often
23:25:01 <keverets> hah!
23:25:17 <smichel17> 🤣️
23:25:21 <keverets> #topic Financial Update
23:25:24 <keverets> smichel17: you have the floor
23:25:48 <smichel17> Well, I don't have a great financial update planned, but I will gather some stuff and post it real quick right now
23:26:12 <keverets> we can postpone to next board meeting
23:26:20 <keverets> should we just go to delinquent members?
23:26:28 <smichel17> Nah real quick let me summarize
23:26:31 <keverets> ok
23:26:34 <smichel17> Our current bank account balance is $8,814.64
23:27:04 <smichel17> Around $1200 of that is member deposits
23:27:35 <smichel17> Our monthly expenses are $367.10, mostly to digitalocean
23:28:38 <keverets> ok, could be an agenda item in an upcoming meeting about increasing instance size, etc, to handle some of the performance issues
23:28:50 <keverets> or evaluating the backup/disaster recovery strategy
23:28:53 <smichel17> Our nominal monthly income is $525. However, our actual income is quite a bit lower because some ~20 members (I think) are inactive
23:28:56 <keverets> but that can wait
23:29:15 <keverets> so income exceeds expenses, which is good (no deficit)
23:29:28 <keverets> any other notes before voting on the delinquent members?
23:29:40 <smichel17> Well, once we kick inactive members, I think we'll be closer to $350/mo
23:29:45 <smichel17> So just breaking even
23:30:21 <keverets> oh, so the $525 was expected, not actual income then
23:30:27 <smichel17> Yes
23:30:35 <keverets> ok
23:31:05 <keverets> when you say ~20 members, are those that are more than 3 months in arrears?
23:31:09 <smichel17> So this is nothing urgent, but something we should discuss and plan for at our next board meeting
23:31:15 <robin> yeah
23:31:18 <keverets> or is there some other cut-off you're looking at?
23:31:39 <smichel17> I'm looking at https://members.hcoop.net/portal/money?cmd=bootworthy
23:32:06 <keverets> people with a balance of $-3 don't seem worth evicting
23:32:22 <keverets> and one has a positive balance
23:32:25 <keverets> erm
23:32:33 <smichel17> Agreed. That's 23 members, but I'm pretty sure some are just late in paying (small negative balance), while others are $200+
23:33:10 <smichel17> There is normally a $21 deposit to have an account, refundable on leaving the coop
23:33:31 <keverets> my suggestion: those that are more than 6 months in arrears (6*7 = $42) get a notification, 2 weeks grace, then removed
23:33:49 <smichel17> I agree we don't need to kick anyone within ~$20, they're probably just forgot or a few months late, can email them and see what happens first
23:34:14 <keverets> smichel17: that doesn't sound correct... the $21 deposit usually covers 3 months of activity. Once consumed, they should be out of funds and no need to reimburse
23:34:55 <smichel17> Section 204 of bylaws https://wiki.hcoop.net/HcoopBylaws
23:35:44 <smichel17> If they're 3 months behind payments then yeah, it evens out. But technically dropping below a $21 deposit is grounds for kicking.
23:35:47 <smichel17> Again, not saying we should.
23:35:59 <keverets> " This deposit shall be returned to a member in good standing upon termination of membership, less any outstanding obligations of a member to the Corporation, as determined by the board."
23:36:08 <keverets> if they're delinquent in dues, they're not in good standing
23:36:18 <keverets> obligations are the amount they owe in dues
23:36:47 <keverets> > Section 208. The board may, by majority vote, expel any member who maintains outstanding debt to the Corporation for three consecutive months or more. This means that the member has paid less than the total dues owed to date.
23:37:05 <keverets> I'm still a fan of 6 months, but if there's a preference, we can reduce it to 3
23:37:11 <keverets> what say you, smichel17 and robin?
23:37:42 <smichel17> I think 6 is fine, especially as long as they're not putting a strain on coop resources.
23:37:54 <keverets> robin: ?
23:38:51 <robin> i like six months for ordinary members (with the option to be more stringent for more resource-consuming members if needed)
23:39:15 <smichel17> I believe the way to read the portal is that 6 months delinquent corresponds to -$21 balance
23:40:00 <smichel17> Because the balance includes the deposit, but conceptually the deposit is a separate line item
23:40:59 <keverets> #motion notify members that are 6 months delinquent (~17) of impending termination, and if they don't pay dues to get in good standing within 2 weeks, be expelled
23:41:00 <hcoop-meetbot> keverets: Voting is open
23:41:24 <keverets> #vote +1
23:41:32 <robin> #vote +1
23:42:02 <smichel17> I will note that kzootech is one of those ~17 members, so that might leave us down a board member
23:42:07 <keverets> erm
23:42:10 <keverets> hrm
23:42:31 <keverets> interesting note
23:42:34 <robin> and docelic
23:42:47 <smichel17> docelic isn't on the board any more, though
23:43:09 <smichel17> But yeah, we could make exceptions for longtime members (read: try harder to make contact)
23:43:13 <robin> as sysadmin, i mean, unless i missed a reshuffle
23:43:20 <robin> yeah
23:43:29 <smichel17> Oh, right
23:43:32 <keverets> ok, will do what we can to contact people
23:43:40 <keverets> extend the utmost contact where possible
23:44:04 <smichel17> #vote +1
23:44:07 <keverets> #close 
23:44:08 <hcoop-meetbot> keverets: Motion accepted: 3 in favor to 0 opposed
23:44:12 <hcoop-meetbot> keverets: In favor: keverets, robin, smichel17
23:44:17 <hcoop-meetbot> keverets: Opposed:
23:44:30 <keverets> any last agenda items?
23:45:14 <smichel17> Want to tentatively schedule all 4 board meetings for the year?
23:45:19 <keverets> go for it
23:45:24 <keverets> but after this meeting
23:45:28 <keverets> let's just close, and go on
23:45:55 <smichel17> sure
23:46:07 <keverets> robin: anything else before close?
23:46:31 <robin> keverets, nothing more i can think of
23:46:40 <keverets> #endmeeting