Contact HCoop

HCoop is run exclusively by members who serve as volunteers. We do not have set hours but do our best to respond to all inquiries within a reasonable amount of time (usually a day or two). If you would like to contact us, please use one of the methods listed here.

Chat #hcoop on Libera Chat   (This is an Internet Relay Chat channel where you can ask other users questions or generally chatter.)
Membership membership@hcoop.net   (For new and prospective members with questions about memership not covered in our FAQs.)
Abuse abuse@hcoop.net   (To report inappropriate or illegal use of our servers, such as a DMCA violation.)
Mailing Lists Existing members needing help are encouraged to post their questions to the hcoop-help or hcoop-misc mailing lists prior to contacting our admins. Prior to posting questions to the mailing lists, however, please verify that the answer to your question does not already exist in the HCoop Wiki.
Support Requests Service requests which can only be completed by admins may be submitted on our support page.
Bugs and Fixes Bugs, things requiring fixes, and anything you are unsure about can be reported through our bug tracker.

Joining HCoop

Joining HCoop is easy. There's no monthly commitment required. The current cost is US$7/month and payments are accepted via Paypal. Simply fill out the online application (a separate application is required for persons under the age of 18) and await approval by our Board of Directors (usually within two days).

More Information About Joining

Planet HCoop

Some of our members have weblogs, check out Planet HCoop to learn more and get to know members of our community.